Tuesday, October 6, 2009

WELCOME to More FACT than FICTION by K.E.Perrott author of 'INFINITY 48'


The 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to 3 Marvellous Human Beings. An Australian - Elizabeth.H.Blackburn, an American - Carol.W.Greider and Jack.W.Szostak from England. Awarded for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase.
I've written about chromosomes, stem cells and telemeres being the bases for eternal youth and good health for humans in my novel 'Infinity 48'. It's exciting stuff!
My novel is based upon real science and expanded on to show readers real possibilities for future humans. Some of the ideas in 'Infinity 48' could be a reality sooner than later.
The following article is about real scientists and their incredible hard work and earth-shattering breakthroughs. I've included the article from the nobelprize.org website for your convenience, it's well worth a read. You might also like to visit the website for more great articles.

Nobel PrizeĀ® medal - registered trademark of the Nobel Foundation

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2009

Nobel Assembly logo

Press Release

5 October 2009

The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has today decided to award
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2009 jointly to

Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider and Jack W. Szostak

for the discovery of

"how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase"


This year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded to three scientists who have solved a major problem in biology: how the chromosomes can be copied in a complete way during cell divisions and how they are protected against degradation. The Nobel Laureates have shown that the solution is to be found in the ends of the chromosomes – the telomeres – and in an enzyme that forms them – telomerase.

The long, thread-like DNA molecules that carry our genes are packed into chromosomes, the telomeres being the caps on their ends. Elizabeth Blackburn and Jack Szostak discovered that a unique DNA sequence in the telomeres protects the chromosomes from degradation. Carol Greider and Elizabeth Blackburn identified telomerase, the enzyme that makes telomere DNA. These discoveries explained how the ends of the chromosomes are protected by the telomeres and that they are built by telomerase.

If the telomeres are shortened, cells age. Conversely, if telomerase activity is high, telomere length is maintained, and cellular senescence is delayed. This is the case in cancer cells, which can be considered to have eternal life. Certain inherited diseases, in contrast, are characterized by a defective telomerase, resulting in damaged cells. The award of the Nobel Prize recognizes the discovery of a fundamental mechanism in the cell, a discovery that has stimulated the development of new therapeutic strategies.

The mysterious telomere

The chromosomes contain our genome in their DNA molecules. As early as the 1930s, Hermann Muller (Nobel Prize 1946) and Barbara McClintock (Nobel Prize 1983) had observed that the structures at the ends of the chromosomes, the so-called telomeres, seemed to prevent the chromosomes from attaching to each other. They suspected that the telomeres could have a protective role, but how they operate remained an enigma.

When scientists began to understand how genes are copied, in the 1950s, another problem presented itself. When a cell is about to divide, the DNA molecules, which contain the four bases that form the genetic code, are copied, base by base, by DNA polymerase enzymes. However, for one of the two DNA strands, a problem exists in that the very end of the strand cannot be copied. Therefore, the chromosomes should be shortened every time a cell divides – but in fact that is not usually the case (Fig 1).

Both these problems were solved when this year's Nobel Laureates discovered how the telomere functions and found the enzyme that copies it.

Telomere DNA protects the chromosomes

In the early phase of her research career, Elizabeth Blackburn mapped DNA sequences. When studying the chromosomes of Tetrahymena, a unicellular ciliate organism, she identified a DNA sequence that was repeated several times at the ends of the chromosomes. The function of this sequence, CCCCAA, was unclear. At the same time, Jack Szostak had made the observation that a linear DNA molecule, a type of minichromosome, is rapidly degraded when introduced into yeast cells.

Blackburn presented her results at a conference in 1980. They caught Jack Szostak's interest and he and Blackburn decided to perform an experiment that would cross the boundaries between very distant species (Fig 2). From the DNA of Tetrahymena, Blackburn isolated the CCCCAA sequence. Szostak coupled it to the minichromosomes and put them back into yeast cells. The results, which were published in 1982, were striking – the telomere DNA sequence protected the minichromosomes from degradation. As telomere DNA from one organism, Tetrahymena, protected chromosomes in an entirely different one, yeast, this demonstrated the existence of a previously unrecognized fundamental mechanism. Later on, it became evident that telomere DNA with its characteristic sequence is present in most plants and animals, from amoeba to man.

An enzyme that builds telomeres

Carol Greider, then a graduate student, and her supervisor Blackburn started to investigate if the formation of telomere DNA could be due to an unknown enzyme. On Christmas Day, 1984, Greider discovered signs of enzymatic activity in a cell extract. Greider and Blackburn named the enzyme telomerase, purified it, and showed that it consists of RNA as well as protein (Fig 3). The RNA component turned out to contain the CCCCAA sequence. It serves as the template when the telomere is built, while the protein component is required for the construction work, i.e. the enzymatic activity. Telomerase extends telomere DNA, providing a platform that enables DNA polymerases to copy the entire length of the chromosome without missing the very end portion.

Telomeres delay ageing of the cell

Scientists now began to investigate what roles the telomere might play in the cell. Szostak's group identified yeast cells with mutations that led to a gradual shortening of the telomeres. Such cells grew poorly and eventually stopped dividing. Blackburn and her co-workers made mutations in the RNA of the telomerase and observed similar effects in Tetrahymena. In both cases, this led to premature cellular ageing – senescence. In contrast, functional telomeres instead prevent chromosomal damage and delay cellular senescence. Later on, Greider's group showed that the senescence of human cells is also delayed by telomerase. Research in this area has been intense and it is now known that the DNA sequence in the telomere attracts proteins that form a protective cap around the fragile ends of the DNA strands.

An important piece in the puzzle – human ageing, cancer, and stem cells

These discoveries had a major impact within the scientific community. Many scientists speculated that telomere shortening could be the reason for ageing, not only in the individual cells but also in the organism as a whole. But the ageing process has turned out to be complex and it is now thought to depend on several different factors, the telomere being one of them. Research in this area remains intense.

Most normal cells do not divide frequently, therefore their chromosomes are not at risk of shortening and they do not require high telomerase activity. In contrast, cancer cells have the ability to divide infinitely and yet preserve their telomeres. How do they escape cellular senescence? One explanation became apparent with the finding that cancer cells often have increased telomerase activity. It was therefore proposed that cancer might be treated by eradicating telomerase. Several studies are underway in this area, including clinical trials evaluating vaccines directed against cells with elevated telomerase activity.

Some inherited diseases are now known to be caused by telomerase defects, including certain forms of congenital aplastic anemia, in which insufficient cell divisions in the stem cells of the bone marrow lead to severe anemia. Certain inherited diseases of the skin and the lungs are also caused by telomerase defects.

In conclusion, the discoveries by Blackburn, Greider and Szostak have added a new dimension to our understanding of the cell, shed light on disease mechanisms, and stimulated the development of potential new therapies.

Elizabeth H. Blackburn has US and Australian citizenship. She was born in 1948 in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. After undergraduate studies at the University of Melbourne, she received her PhD in 1975 from the University of Cambridge, England, and was a postdoctoral researcher at Yale University, New Haven, USA. She was on the faculty at the University of California, Berkeley, and since 1990 has been professor of biology and physiology at the University of California, San Francisco.

Carol W. Greider is a US citizen and was born in 1961 in San Diego, California, USA. She studied at the University of California in Santa Barbara and in Berkeley, where she obtained her PhD in 1987 with Blackburn as her supervisor. After postdoctoral research at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, she was appointed professor in the department of molecular biology and genetics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore in 1997.

Jack W. Szostak is a US citizen. He was born in 1952 in London, UK and grew up in Canada. He studied at McGill University in Montreal and at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, where he received his PhD in 1977. He has been at Harvard Medical School since 1979 and is currently professor of genetics at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He is also affiliated with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Szostak JW, Blackburn EH. Cloning yeast telomeres on linear plasmid vectors. Cell 1982; 29:245-255.
Greider CW, Blackburn EH. Identification of a specific telomere terminal transferase activity in Tetrahymena extracts. Cell 1985; 43:405-13.
Greider CW, Blackburn EH. A telomeric sequence in the RNA of Tetrahymena telomerase required for telomere repeat synthesis. Nature 1989; 337:331-7.

The Nobel Assembly, consisting of 50 professors at Karolinska Institutet, awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Its Nobel Committee evaluates the nominations. Since 1901 the Nobel Prize has been awarded to scientists who have made the most important discoveries for the benefit of mankind.

Nobel Prize® is the registered trademark of the Nobel Foundation


To read pages or purchase your copy of 'Infinity 48' at a great discount, please visit: www.infinity48.com

To visit the Nobel Prize site please visit: www.nobelprize.org

Bye for now, and good thinking.

Monday, October 5, 2009

'Infinity 48' by K.E.Perrott. Explosive new thinking!

WELCOME to More Fact than Fiction, by K.E.Perrott. Here I hope you find yourself thinking outside the box, questioning everything and comfortable with that.

This is a great article, in case you missed it I've included it here for you.

Fossil finds extend human story
By Jonathan Amos
Science reporter, BBC News

An ancient human-like creature that may be a direct ancestor to our species has been described by researchers.

The assessment of the 4.4-million-year-old animal called Ardipithecus ramidus is reported in the journal Science.

Even if it is not on the direct line to us, it offers new insights into how we evolved from the common ancestor we share with chimps, the team says.

Fossils of A. ramidus were first found in Ethiopia in 1992, but it has taken 17 years to assess their significance.

The most important specimen is a partial skeleton of a female nicknamed "Ardi".

If Ardipithecus ramidus was not actually the species directly ancestral to us, she must have been closely related to it
The Ardipithecus project team

The international team has recovered key bones, including the skull with teeth, arms, hands, pelvis, legs, and feet.

But the researchers have other fragments that may represent perhaps at least 36 different individuals, including youngsters, males, and females.

One of the lead scientists on the project, Professor Tim White from the University of California, Berkeley, said the investigation had been painstaking.

"It took us many, many years to clean the bones in the National Museum of Ethiopia and then set about to restore this skeleton to its original dimensions and form; and then study it and compare it with all the other fossils that are known from Africa and elsewhere, as well as with the modern age," he told the journal.

"This is not an ordinary fossil. It's not a chimp. It's not a human. It shows us what we used to be."

Tree life

The fossils come from the Middle Awash study area in the Afar Rift, about 230km northeast of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital.

Some of the characteristics of the animal's skeleton are said to echo features seen in very ancient apes; others presage traits seen in later, more human-like species.

The scientists say 1.2m-high (4ft) Ardi was good at climbing trees but also walked on two feet. However she did not have arched feet like us, indicating that she could not walk or run for long distances.

"She has opposable great toes and she has a pelvis that allows her to negotiate tree branches rather well," explained team-member Professor Owen Lovejoy, from Kent State University, Ohio.

"So half of her life is spent in the trees; she would have nested in trees and occasionally fed in trees, but when she was on the ground she walked upright pretty close to how you and I walk," he told BBC News.

That she lived in what would have been a wooded area 4.4 million years ago is somewhat challenging, says the team. It had been thought that early human evolution was driven, if only in part, by the disappearance of trees - encouraging our ancestors to walk on the ground.

"These creatures were living and dying in a woodland habitat, not an open savannah," said Professor White.

Because of its age, Ardipithecus is said to take science closer to the yet-to-be-found last common ancestor with chimps, our close genetic relatives.

And because many of Ardipithecus ' traits do not appear in modern-day African apes, it suggests this common ancestor may have existed much further back in time than had previously been supposed - perhaps seven or nine million years ago.

Comparisons with modern chimp and gorilla anatomy also underline just how much these African apes themselves have evolved since parting company with the line that led eventually to modern humans.

Rapid evolution

Asked whether A. ramidus was our direct ancestor or not, the team said more fossils from different places and time periods were needed to answer the question.

"We will need many more fossil recoveries from the period of 3-5 million years ago to confidently answer that question in the future," the scientists said in a briefing document that accompanied their journal papers.

"But if Ardipithecus ramidus was not actually the species directly ancestral to us, she must have been closely related to it, and would have been similar in appearance and adaptation.

Independent experts in the field are struck by how primitive Ardipithecus appears compared with the Australopithecines, another group of hominid (human-like) creatures from Africa that lived slightly nearer to us in time.

One species in particular, Australopithecus afarensis , the famous "Lucy" fossil found in 1974, is very strongly linked into the human story because of its developed walking ability.

For Ardipithecus ramidus to also sit on that direct line seemed to require some rapid evolutionary change, commented Professor Chris Stringer from London's Natural History museum.

"With Australopithecus starting from four million years ago, one would have thought that things would have moved further down the line by 4.4 million years ago," he told BBC News.

"OK, you can have very rapid change, perhaps; or Ardipithecus might be a residual form, a relic of a somewhat older stage of evolution that had carried on. Perhaps we will find something more like Australopithecus at 4.4 million years old somewhere else in Africa."


To purchase your copy of 'Infinity 48' at a great discount please visit: www.infinity48.com
Bye for now, and good thinking!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

K.E.Perrott author of 'INFINITY 48' Welcomes you to More FACT than FICTION.

WELCOME. Here I hope you enjoy the articles, I hope you are moved to think outside the square, question everything and enjoy that process.


'INFINITY 48' - ISBN: 978 192 1300 882

INFINITY 48’ is my first published novel – A Shakespeare, Hemingway or H.G.Wells I’m not yet! I’m the first to admit my ‘Newbe Naive Style’ shows its self at regular intervals as you read ‘INFINITY 48’ – but despite that or perhaps even refreshingly because of that, I’m sure you’ll find it an interesting, exciting and thought-provoking read, one worthy of your time and money.

I wrote ‘INFINITY 48’ after observing over the years, the resigned sadness and overwhelming pessimism by the majority of people which surmised that humanity would always be plagued with violence and corruption, death, disease and unfair political systems. And further insisting that they could only see a large number of the earth’s population would always succumb to devastating, disgusting, and dire conditions. Certainly, as the story scenario of ‘INFINITY 48’ demonstrates, there are major hurdles for humanity to overcome. But are they insurmountable?

It is almost impossible to find positive hopeful theories about future humans... books, movies and discussions all see future humans in gruff difficult circumstances as we go forward. Not only do they see us still fighting and killing each other but taking that aggression out into our universe. They see advancements in technology as we go forward and as it takes us out into space but they don’t see humans changing as we move forward or acting any different. It seems people can’t imagine us growing out of our barbaric prehistoric skins; but I can.

‘INFINITY 48’ is listed in a number of categories; Adventure, Sci-Fi, Philosophy and General literature. I describe it as an adventure unlike any other. It’s about ideas, possibilities and the consequences of those. I hope it moves people to think outside the square. It explores all the old questions about humanity, its being, about its direction and addresses a myriad of new questions. It illuminates the huge potential and great possibilities for the future and for a humane humanity; freed from murder, illness and labour. In contrast it reveals the darkness – the enemy of our species and the battle we must win or go extinct!

I hope you enjoy reading ‘INFINITY 48’. I’d appreciate any morale support you could give me. If that is by becoming a Fan on Facebook, following me on Twitter, subscribing to or following my blog, that would be cool. If your support is by purchasing a copy of my novel or by recommending it to everybody - that would be very much appreciated also.

Thank you. KEP. Have a great day, bye for now, and good thinking!

Facebook Page: K.E.Perrott / Facebook: www.facebook.com/Infinity48.K.E.Perrott

Blog: http://more-fact-than-fiction.blogspot.com / Web: www.infinity48.com

Twitter: http://twitter.com/Infinity48KEP email: infinity48@bigpond.com


To read pages of 'Infinity 48' please visit:

To purchase your copy of 'Infinity 48' please visit: http://www.infinity48.com/

Sunday, September 27, 2009

K.E.Perrott author of 'INFINITY 48' Welcomes you to More FACT than FICTION.

Welcome. Here I hope you enjoy the articles, I hope you are moved to think outside the box, question everything and enjoy that process.

I came across another great article, and had to share it with you.

Water find could see humans living on moon

12:00 AEST Thu Sep 24 2009
The discovery of large quantities of water under the lunar surface has led to speculation that human habitation on the moon could be possible within decades.

An unmanned craft from the Indian space agency called Chandrayaan-1 has found evidence of large quantities of water spread among the soil on the moon's surface, a discovery which has changed the face of lunar exploration, according to NASA.

Proponents of space travel believe the presence of water on the surface could mean a permanent base on the moon could become practical, with the water molecules able to be converted into oxygen for breathing and hydrogen for fuel.

Project director at the Indian Space Research Association Mylswamy Annadurai said finding water was one of the mission's objectives.

"It’s very satisfying," he told The Times.

"This was one of the main objectives of Chandrayaan-1, to find evidence of water on the Moon."

The discovery is a coup for India, who have been locked in a space race with China for the last few years.

But astronomer at the University of NSW Michael Burton said the amount of water on the moon is tiny compared to water on Earth.

"It wasn't expected they would find water in the soil, but they've found tiny amounts of water vapour in the soil. But it's far less than anything you'd see on even the driest places on Earth," Professor Burton said.

"They reckon they could get about a litre of water for several tonnes of dirt, but it does seem to be widespread, it does seem that they are finding it from all latitudes."

A better hope for a moon base would be ice that is believed to be buried deep below the surface, according to Professor Burton.

Water had been found in samples of dirt brought back from the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, but they had been ignored by scientists who assumed the molecules were from the humid air in Houston, where they had been analysed.

To purchase your copy of 'Infinity 48' at a discount please visit: www.infinity48.com
I'm a new author, 'Infinity 48' is my first novel, I would appreciate any support you could give me, if that is by becoming a fan on Facebook, following me on twitter and subscribing to this blog, that would be cool, if your support was by purchasing a copy of 'Infinity 48' or by recommending my novel to others it would be very much appreciated. Thank you, KEP.
Bye for now, and good thinking.

Friday, September 25, 2009

More FACT than FICTION by K.E.Perrott

WELCOME to more fact than fiction by K.E.Perrott author of 'Infinity 48'. Here I hope you'll find yourself thinking outside the box, questioning everything and comfortable with that.

I've always imagined we humans as space travellers and sooner rather than later - is my hope. I came across this cool article and had to share it with you.

How far could you travel in a spaceship?

Ready to travel? (Image: Jacobs Stock Photography/Getty)

Ready to travel? (Image: Jacobs Stock Photography/Getty)

HOW far could an astronaut travel in a lifetime? Billions of light years, it turns out. But they ought to be careful when to apply the brakes on the return trip.

Ever since cosmologists discovered that the universe's expansion is accelerating, many have wondered just how much this will constrain what we could see with telescopes in the future. Distant regions of the universe will eventually be expanding so fast that light from any objects there can never reach us.

Likewise, dark energy - the mysterious force behind the acceleration - places a limit on human exploration of the universe, says Juliana Kwan at the University of Sydney in New South Wales, Australia, who has now refined this limit on our travels. Even with rockets that could take us to within a whisker of light speed, expansion would still eventually leave us behind.

The furthest that light emitted from our sun today could reach, as it races in vain to outdo the accelerating expansion, currently lies around 15 billion light years away. According to previous calculations by Jeremy Heyl of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, a super-advanced rocket could get most of this way in a human lifetime. Accelerating at around 9 metres per second per second - which would feel roughly like a comfortable 1 g - a craft could get 99 per cent of the way to the expansion "horizon". Despite the vast distance, this would take only about 50 years in the astronaut's reference frame, because time would pass slower than on Earth due to relativity (Physical Review D, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.72.107302).

Now, in a paper to appear in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, Kwan and her colleagues have found the trip could take even less time. Based on the latest cosmological values for dark energy and other parameters, they showed an astronaut could make the journey in only 30 years.

But their calculations also suggest that returning home presents its own challenges. Even slight uncertainties in the strength of dark energy or the total density of matter in the universe could cause a spacecraft to miss Earth by millions of light years. Beginning the deceleration just a second too late could cause you to overshoot the Milky Way, Kwan says. "You would effectively be lost in space."

Still, even if you did stop in the right place, you'd be disappointed. Some 70 billion years would have elapsed back home, so the sun would long, long since have expired, taking Earth with it, and the surrounding view would appear mostly dark.

New Scientist www.newscientist.com/

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To purchase your copy of 'Infinity 48' at a great discount please visit: www.infinity48.com

Bye for now, and good thinking.

Monday, September 21, 2009

WELCOME to More FACT than FICTION by K.E.Perrott author of 'INFINITY 48'

Here I hope you will find yourself thinking outside the square, questioning everything, and comfortable with that.

Today's hard working self employed person, business person or the equally hard working employee are constantly saying how difficult it is to justify the daily struggle.

I'm more often than not hearing people say that - the harder they work the less money they're making and the less time they have to relax and enjoy what they're working so hard for.

The self employed builder I spoke to today, told me that he'd recently had a health scare. He was told he had a suspected fatal disease. As it happened he was cleared of that disease. He said to me, he was disappointed. When he thought he might die he was happy for the relief from the daily struggle it would bring. - He said at least it would have been all over. I felt so sad for him and for the millions of us that feel that way from time to time, especially when you put in the time and the effort, and do all the right things...

For those who say - life wasn't meant to be easy - need to consider the source of such rot!
Because I believe life could and should be so much better for every person on the planet.

It's time to change our thinking! We need to reject the old attitudes from superstition and religious doctrine that tell us this life is unimportant, that the next life in heaven or hell - at the fancy of a god or gods - is more important.

Some religious text states that there will always be the poor and the sick and that life will be a struggle. I find that appalling.

Those ancient writings are a reflection of their time. That is not our time, we have greater intelligence, science, advanced medicine and technology. We must stop working to outdated ideas and move on.

To Quote Professor Elizabeth Fox-Upton from the pages of 'Infinity 48'
'Obviously humans find it easier to blame someone else, rather than take responsibility themselves. It is time for the human race to shed it's insecurities and grow up. We need to relinquish the familiar comfort of the notion of a greater being that we can blame for everything. There is so much to do.'

To read pages of 'Infinity 48' please visit:

To purchase your copy of 'Infinity 48' please visit: www.infinity48.com

Bye for now, and good thinking.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

WELCOME to More FACT than FICTION! Here I hope you will find yourself thinking outside the square, questioning everything, and comfortable with that.

Today I'm re posting 'A Question for you'. I will regularly republish some of my favourite posts for new readers of more-fact-than-fiction and to encourage continuous debate about some of the more important subjects in these publications.

Let’s get right to the topic of discussion. Today at the beginning of the 21st Century we humans are still making all the same mistakes as our ancestors. You’d think we’d have learnt by now – how to create and sustain a better world for ALL people.

Obviously what we’ve done since the beginning of civilization hasn’t worked. Unless our goal was to procreate and fill up the planet; sure we’re well on the way. If we wanted those billions of people, in the main, to live a hard life, full of pain, both physical and emotional; suffer disease and poverty; sure we’ve managed that! But I hardly think that’s satisfactory – we need to totally rethink everything.

Here’s a Question for you.

Would you give up your religion, racism and politics to have a perfect world? Where one equal humanity presides. Where that equal humanity would see us evolve to enjoy a body that would stop the ageing process at age 20, and maintain that forever. Where we’d become smarter by the nano-second. Where we would never get sick or feel physical pain.

Not enough?

What if that one equal humanity was freed from physical work and needed only to think and play – liberated by a nano-technologically and quantum computerized robotic work-force, not requiring human labour to produce our day-to-day needs – leaving us to do science, to explore our universe and to live and love. And most importantly where harming or murdering a fellow human would not even cross the mind of a human.

That is the world I dream of. In my minds-eye I’ve pictured that beautiful world, where there is no war, no starvation, and no crime. Where we all get along and work together to progress our species. It’s that which moved me to write my first novel – ‘Infinity 48’ – it holds all the secretes and new thinking that could give us such a world.

Utopia can be defined as; a dreamland, bliss, or a paradise; to mention a few. I found that people scoff at the possibility of a Utopia for humans. We all like the idea but consider it an impossible dream. That’s sad.

It’s time to lift our expectations, visualize the possibilities and put a progressive plan into action. It will be up to us to make the start! Politicians only think along party lines – a year or two ahead of their next election. Countries, Religions and races only think about what’s best for their group first; as has been the way of our ancestors and primitives before them – and that is the problem. If we humans think about humans as one single united group – as the only grouping that matters; we will have a chance at Utopia.

For me, a human is a human is a human! That’s it! I absolutely believe that if we are to progress and evolve into the remarkable humans I know we can be, the first steps are for us all to be on the same page. If we all believe in each other, and as ONE, we’ll need nothing else.

Some of the solutions and some of the medical and scientific break-throughs I envisage and write about in ‘Infinity 48’ happening, seem only possible way in the future and no help to us today. I say that what we discover and how soon we discover it will depend largely on how soon we all come together as humans first and only.

Consider if you will, a perfect world in your minds-eye and work back from there – it’s not nearly as scary or seemingly impossible that way. You might also be surprised at how many solutions you’ll come up with.

Let me leave you with that for today. I look forward to reading your comments.

To read pages of 'Infinity 48' please go to: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Nz_d2VHhWpMC&lpg=PP1&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q=&f=false

To purchase your copy of 'Infinity 48' at a great discount please visit: http://www.infinity48.com/

Bye for now, and good thinking.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

'Infinity 48' by K.E.Perrott. Fiction that's fact in the making!

Welcome to More FACT than FICTION by K.E.Perrott.

Press release for 'Infinity 48'.
I'd like to regularly re-post my Novel's Press Release and other favourite posts of mine for new readers of More FACT than FICTION, and to encourage continuous debate about some of the more important subjects in those posts.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For More Information, Contact: K.E. Perrott

Email: k.e.perrott@bigpond.com

New Novel Explores a World Where Innovation and Positivity Reign

Author K.E. Perrott Dares to Show That Anything is Possible

(2009) – War. Recession. Hunger. Disease. These are all problems the people of the world face every day. With all of the bad things happening, it’s easy to believe that nothing will ever change and that the world is destined to continue on a downward spiral. Not so fast. Author K.E. Perrott calls that negative thought process into question in her new book, Infinity 48.

Infinity 48 follows Professor Fox-Upton’s quest to save the world and human species. She is recruited to become the twelfth and final member of a new covert team of scientists, known as SAFARI. This operation, created to better human life and preserve humanity from the threat of terrorists intent on destruction, is part of the secret organization known as INFINITY.

With never-ending funds and some of the greatest minds in the world, INFINITY is responsible for countless scientific and medical discoveries as well as a life-saving anonymous source of intelligence to world security agencies. As the world teeters over the abyss, with terrorism rife and growing in organization and ability, something must be done, before it is too late. And who are the people that can help? INFINITY and the SAFARI team.

“I wrote Infinity 48 because I feel like now is the perfect time for us to question the status quo,” Perrott said. “Infinity 48 is based on well-researched facts and embellished to reflect real possibilities for the reader. I hope it helps us to open our minds and perhaps rethink things we’ve previously taken as a given. The story goes to the heart of many of the problems that trouble and concern us all in our lives today.”

To learn more, or to purchase a copy of Infinity 48, visit the website at www.infinity48.com.

About the Author

K.E. Perrott is a self-described private person who divides her time between her passions in life: her family, dog, friends, studying, meeting interesting people and writing. To learn more about K.E. Perrott and Infinity 48, visit her website at www.infinity48.com.


To read pages of 'Infinity 48' please go to: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Nz_d2VHhWpMC&lpg=PP1&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q=&f=false

To purchase your copy of 'Infinity 48' at a discount please visit: www.infinity48.com

Bye for now, and good thinking.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Welcome to More-FACT-than-FICTION by K.E.Perrott author of ‘Infinity 48’.

I had to share this article with you. It’s SO exciting.

Optical Quantum Chip Using Light Particles Tested - Scientists Hail A New Era For Computing UK News Sky News

Super-fast and ultra-small computers have been brought one step closer to reality with the successful test of a new penny-sized chip.

Close-up of a computer micro chip

Traditional computer micro chips are as small as they are likely to get.

The optical quantum chip does away with traditional circuitry and instead uses particles of "whizzing" light.

Scientists asked the "photonic" chip to find the prime factors of 15 and, although it took longer to work it out than a schoolchild could have, it produced the answer - 3 x 5.

The test is a massive breakthrough because it is the first time the chip's processing power has been condensed into such a small size.

Normally to store the same amount of processing power it would need a pack the size of a work bench sitting beside it.

The chip could eventually pave the way for "super-powerful quantum computers".

Cherry Lewis, spokeswoman for the team at Bristol University, explained why we need this technology.

"We are almost getting to the point now where conventional computers cannot go any smaller so we need to go down a completely new route.

"We are talking nano-scale. Particles of light."

Quantum technology aims to exploit the unique properties of quantum mechanics - the physics theory that explains how the world works at microscopic levels.

The main advantage is that unlike transistors in a traditional computer quantum particles can be in two states at the same time.

Also, photons are relatively noise-free and can transmit information at the speed of light.

In the near future the technology could eventually be applied to making internet connections secure, and to developing new materials and medicines.

PhD student Alberto Politi, who performed the experiment with colleague Jonathan Matthews, said: "Finding prime factors may seem like a mathematical abstraction, but the task lies at the heart of modern encryption schemes, including those used for secure internet communication."

The results have been published in the magazine Science.


Let me know what you think.

To read pages of ‘Infinity 48’ please go to: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Nz_d2VHhWpMC&lpg=PP1&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q=&f=false

To purchase your copy of ‘Infinity 48’ please go to: http://www.infinity48.com/

Bye for now, and good thinking.

Monday, August 31, 2009

'Infinity 48' by K.E.Perrott. Explosive new thinking!

Welcome to More FACT than FICTION by K.E.Perrott author of 'Infinity 48'. Here I hope you will find yourself thinking outside the box, and be exhilarated and comfortable with that.
The topic of discussion I pursued with the variety of great people I spoke to today, was about the necessity of changing our social system completely.
By that I mean from the bottom up. Dramatic change - starting with the family as we know it.
My research, observations and my own life experiences have led me to believe that because we humans remain stuck in an ancient social structure; unless we change and restructure soon, we will go extinct. That would be a terrible waste in my opinion - we have such great potential.
We came down from the trees, sure enough. We became more organised as our brains became larger and our intelligence grew. But unfortunately we persist in socialising like animals. Our ancestors never got past thinking in terms of predators and prey and operating in packs.
We are more sophisticated than our ancestors yes, but in terms of social behaviour we are still basically no different to the first Homo sapiens.
We have tried so hard to create a better world, but what we've done since the beginning of cognitive, creative human interaction by staying with the animal hierarchical family pack model, is run on the spot - we're getting nowhere fast.
Fortunately, our intelligence has given us technology, medicine and science, but that can't save us from ourselves if we insist on continuing as our ancestors did and keep the pack or as we call it - family, at the core of our social system.
We have gotten ourselves into a big mess because of our belief that family as we practice it is the only social structure possible. 'Do gooders' over thousands of years have tried everything to make that family system work; from introducing laws and inventing new rituals and religions too different political structures, but to no avail. People are still divided and killing each other. There is something very wrong with that!
There is only one way we will survive as a species and not only to survive but to actually enjoy life and enjoy being a human and truly advance, and that is to stop what we have been doing and totally restructure. That means; no families as we know them, no religions, no races, no countries, no hierarchy...
Think about that for a moment.
Now that calm and peace you feel is real. Imagine if the 6.5 billion other people on our planet, all understood that and felt that peace; if we were all on the same page - what a brains trust that would be! What we could do as one, we haven't even imagined yet.

If you'd like to offer your thoughts, please do. Or if you have a question, please ask it.

To read pages of 'Infinity 48' please go to: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Nz_d2VHhWpMC&lpg=PP1&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q=&f=false
To purchase your copy of 'Infinity 48' please go to: http://www.infinity48.com/

Bye for now, and good thinking.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

‘Infinity 48’ by K.E.Perrott. Fiction that’s fact in the making.

Welcome to More FACT than FICTION by K.E.Perrott author of ‘Infinity 48’. Let’s think outside the box!

I don’t know what it was about this week, but the number of negative, pessimistic people or at least the tone of the conversations I had with some people had a decidedly defeatist feel about the subjects I raised.

I always promote discussions about how bright the future for humanity will be; at every opportunity and with as many different people as I can.

This week I came across more than my fair share of people who couldn’t see the glass half full. You know the types. Not only do they see the glass half empty, they think that’s all we deserve. They say things like; ‘Be careful what you wish for.’

It’s precisely that uninspired thinking that urged me to write my novel. This is what I wrote on the news page of my website and on my Face Book page when I launched ‘Infinity 48’.

“I wrote ‘Infinity 48’ after observing over the years, the resigned sadness and overwhelming pessimism by the majority of people which surmised that humanity would always be plagued with violence and corruption, death, disease and unfair political systems. And further insisting that they could only see a large number of earth’s population would always succumb to devastating, disgusting and dire conditions. Certainly, as the story scenario of ‘Infinity 48’ demonstrates, there are major hurdles for humanity to overcome. But are they insurmountable? I don’t think so.

It is almost impossible to find positive hopeful theories about future humans… books, movies and discussions mostly see future humans in gruff difficult circumstances as we go forward. Not only do they see us still fighting and killing each other but taking that aggression out into our universe. They see advancements in technology as we go forward and as it takes us out into space but they don’t see humans changing as we move forward or acting any different. It seems people can’t imagine us growing out of our barbaric prehistoric skins; but I can!

‘Infinity 48’ is an adventure unlike any other. It’s about ideas, possibilities and the consequences of those. I hope it moves people to think outside the box. It explores all the old questions about humanity, its being, about its direction and addresses a myriad of new questions. It illuminates the huge potential and great possibilities for the future and for a humane humanity; freed from murder, illness and labour.

I hope you enjoy reading ‘Infinity 48’ and recommend it to others.”

Let’s all try to think ‘humans’ not country of origin, political views, race or a person’s religion. Let’s believe in each other; in humanity. I know it’s hard when we look around us – the news, TV, heck next door sometimes and in our own suburbs… things aren’t great! But it’s not humanities fault as a whole that’s letting us down; because we’re not operating as one whole. The system – the world as it is, is set up to fail us at every turn. We need to make many changes and I have faith in humans, we can do it! Let’s get on with it…

Let me know what you think.

To read pages of ‘Infinity 48’ please visit: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Nz_d2VHhWpMC&lpg=PP1&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q=&f=false

To purchase your copy of ‘Infinity 48’ please go to: www.infinity48.com

Bye for now, and good thinking.

Monday, August 17, 2009

‘INFINITY 48’ by K.E.Perrott An Australian Author.

Welcome to More FACT than FICTION.

This past week I had a break from my usual busy schedule. It’s important to get away from time to time, even if you don’t actually go anywhere. So long as you can put the routine of work and daily life to the side and give yourself a chance to rest and relax, it’s as good as a get away.

I’ve been putting the finishing touches on my new writing studio. It’s in a beautiful, peaceful place. I hope to hone my skills as a writer and create some great novels there. As a new writer I have a lot to learn, I am the first to admit that my ‘Newbe Naive Style’ although I’d thought it to be refreshingly different; will need polishing; a Shakespeare, Hemmingway or H.G.Wells I am not yet! But I’m working on it.

I’ve also had a chance to catch up on my reading. I like to keep up to date on what the Australian Government is doing to support, research scientists, universities and business; specifically for Nanotechnology and Biotechnology. The Australian Government knows the value of such technologies, and has always (thank the universe) got one strategy or another in place to deliver that support and encouragement.

As at the 13 May 2009 the Australian Government has put a new four year National Enabling Technologies Strategy (NETS) in place. As they put it: ‘To provide a framework for the responsible development of enabling technologies such as biotechnology, nanotechnology and other new technologies as they emerge in Australia. (I will put the links to the Australian Government, Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. at the end of the page, you may like to visit – it’s worth a look.

To give you a glimpse of how important Nano and Bio Technologies are for humanity, I’ve included this article by the BBC. It’s just one of the myriad of incredible applications these technologies hold for human health. It’s exciting! This article shows how brilliantly both of these technologies can work together.


Nano-treatment to torpedo cancer

Nanotechnology has been used for the first time to destroy cancer cells with a highly targeted package of "tumour busting" genes.

The technique, which leaves healthy cells unaffected, could potentially offer hope to people with hard-to-treat cancers where surgery is not possible.

Although it has only been tested in mice so far, the researchers hope for human trials in two years.

The UK study is published online by the journal Cancer Research.

We hope this therapy will be used to treat cancer patients in clinical trials in a couple of years
Dr Andreas Schatzlein
School of Pharmacy, London

The genes were wrapped up in microscopic nano-particles which were taken up by cancer cells, but not their healthy neighbours.

Once inside, the genes stimulated production of a protein which destroys the cancer.

The researchers say the technology could potentially be particularly relevant for people with cancers that are inoperable because they are close to vital organs.

They hope it will eventually also be used to treat cancer that has spread.

'Exciting step'

Lead researcher Dr Andreas Schatzlein, from the School of Pharmacy in London, said: "Gene therapy has a great potential to create safe and effective cancer treatments but getting the genes into cancer cells remains one of the big challenges in this area.

"This is the first time that nanoparticles have been shown to target tumours in such a selective way, and this is an exciting step forward in the field.

"Once inside the cell, the gene enclosed in the particle recognises the cancerous environment and switches on. The result is toxic, but only to the offending cells, leaving healthy tissue unaffected.

"We hope this therapy will be used to treat cancer patients in clinical trials in a couple of years."

Traditional chemotherapy indiscriminately kills cells in the affected area of the body, which can cause side effects like fatigue, hair loss or nausea.

It is hoped that gene therapy will have fewer associated side effects by targeting cancer cells.

Dr Lesley Walker, of the charity Cancer Research UK, said: "These results are encouraging, and we look forward to seeing if this method can be used to treat cancer in people.

"Gene therapy is an exciting area of research, but targeting genetic changes to cancer cells has been a major challenge.

"This is the first time a solution has been proposed, so it's exciting news."

Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2009/03/10 16:52:02 GMT

BBC NEWS Health Nano-treatment to torpedo cancer

This will take you to the NETS page with information and other links. Such as the Australian office of Nanotechnology and Biotechnology: www.innovation.gov.au/Industry/Nanotechnology/Pages/NationalEnablingTechnologiesStrategy

To read pages of ‘Infinity 48’ please visit: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Nz_d2VHhWpMC&lpg=PP1&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q=&f=false

To purchase your copy of ‘Infinity 48’ please visit: www.infinity48.com

Bye for now, and good thinking.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Infinity 48 by K.E.Perrott. Fiction that's fact in the making.

Welcome to More FACT than FICTION, by K.E.Perrott author of 'Infinity 48'. Here I hope you will find yourself thinking outside the box, questioning everything, and comfortable with that.

On a lighter note today.

While my dog and I were out on our morning constitutional, I found myself wishing I could fast forward to the near future where our bodies metabolism is vastly improved.

I'll explain. Here in Canberra, August mornings are often frosty, cold and if there's a wind; altogether uncomfortable. Fast forwarding to the future; I see our bodies greatly improved. Our metabolism will have been upgraded to accurately maintain a perfect body weight. Our perfect healthy body will be maintained regardless of intake or exercise.

I won't go into a detailed scientific explanation of how that will be possible - you could read 'Infinity 48' to get a better understanding.

Suffices to say, if my body was maintaining a perfect body weight, correct muscle and energy distribution without the need for me to push myself physically; I wouldn't be out exercising in the cold early hours, before the start of my workday.

But as it's only 2009, fitting in my exercise and that of my four legged best pal; early mornings and late evenings in all kinds of weather, is where we're at.

Speaking of that; we're off for our walk.

To read pages of 'infinity 48' please go to: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Nz_d2VHhWpMC&lpg=PP1&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q=&f=false
To purchase your copy please visit: http://www.infinity48.com/

Bye for now, and good thinking.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Infinity 48 by K.E.Perrott. Explosive new thinking.Terrorism.

Welcome to More FACT than FICTION by K.E.Perrott author of 'Infinity 48'.

This week we in Australia were reminded again that we are not immune to the scourge of terrorism. But thanks to our Australian Federal Police and other agencies in cooperation, a planned terrorist attack to be carried out on Australian soil, was prevented.

As far as I can tell from media reports the men detained for planning and preparing the terror attack, are young Australian citizens of Somali and Lebanese backgrounds.

It was reported that the terrorists were prepared with enough automatic weapons to sustain a huge fire-fight, orchestrated to kill the maximum number of Australian soldiers until the terrorists themselves would be killed.

The suicide terrorists had chosen army barracks and Aussie soldiers as their target.
Such hatred is hard to fathom.

I wrote about these types of 'home grown terrorists' in my novel 'Infinity 48' and showed how potentially devastating to humanity they could be in a worst case scenario.

To read pages of 'Infinity 48' please go to: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Nz_d2VHhWpMC&lpg=PP1&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q=&f=false

As I keep reminding everyone who reads More-Fact-Than-Fiction or my novel 'Infinity 48' If we were one equal humanity and all on the same page - terrorism wouldn't exist!

To purchase your copy of 'Infinity 48' please go to: http://www.infinity48.com/

Bye for now, and good thinking.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More FACT than FICTION- Press Release for 'Infinity 48' by K.E.Perrott

Welcome to More FACT than FICTION by K.E.Perrott author of 'Infinity 48'.

Press Release for 'Infinity 48'.
The Press Release for my novel 'Infinity 48' went out across Australia Yesterday. I thought I'd also post it here for you to read.

New Novel Explores a World Where
Innovation and Positivity Reign
Author K.E.Perrott Dares to Show That Anything is Possible

(August,2009) - War. Recession. Hunger. Disease. These are all problems the people of the world face every day. With all of the bad things happening, it's easy to believe that nothing will ever change and that the world is destined to continue on a downward spiral. Not so fast. Author K.E.Perrott calls that negative thought process into question in her new book, Infinity 48.

Infinity 48 follows Professor Fox-Upton's quest to save the world and human species. She is recruited to become the twelfth and final member of a new covert team of scientists, known as SAFARI. This operation, created to better human life and preserve humanity from the threat of terrorists intent on destruction, is part of the secret organization known as INFINITY.

With never-ending funds and some of the greatest minds in the world, INFINITY is responsible for countless scientific and medical discoveries as well as a life-saving anonymous source of intelligence to world security agencies. As the world teeters over the abyss, with terrorism rife and growing in organization and ability, something must be done, before it is too late. And who are the people that can help? INFINITY and the SAFARI team.

"I wrote Infinity 48 because I feel like now is the perfect time for us to question the status quo," Ms Perrott said. "Infinity 48" is based on well-researched facts and embellished to reflect real possibilities for the reader. I hope it helps us to open our minds and perhaps rethink things we've previously taken as a given. The story goes to the heart of many of the problems that trouble and concern us all in our lives today."

To learn more, or to purchase a copy of Infinity 48, visit the website at http://www.infinity48.com/

About the Author

K.E.Perrott is a self-described private person who divides her time between her passions in life: her family, dog, friends, meeting interesting people and writing. To learn more about K.E.Perrott and Infinity 48, visit her website at http://www.infinity48.com/


To read pages of 'Infinity 48' please go to: http://books.google.co.uk/books?printsec+frontcover&id=Nz_d2VHhWpMC

Bye for now, and good thinking.

Monday, August 3, 2009

More FACT Than FICTION - NO ILLNESS! NO AGEING! NO BILLS! And we wouldn't have to die to live in this Utopia.

Welcome to More Fact than Fiction! Here I hope you will find yourself thinking outside the box, questioning everything, and comfortable with that.

Let's get right to the topic of discussion. Today at the beginning of the 21st Century we humans are still making all the same mistakes as our ancestors. You'd think we'd have learnt by now - how to create and sustain a better world for ALL people.

Obviously what we've done since the beginning of civilization hasn't been a great success. Unless our goal was to procreate and fill up the planet; sure we're well on the way. If we wanted those billions of people, in the main, to live a hard life, full of pain, both physical and emotional; suffer disease and poverty; sure we've managed that! But I hardly think that's satisfactory - we need to totally rethink everything.

Here's a question for you:

Would you give up your religion, racism and politics to have a perfect world? Where one equal humanity presides. Where that equal humanity would see us evolve to enjoy a body that would stop the ageing process at age 20, and maintain that forever. Where we'd become smarter by the nano-second. Where we would never get sick or feel physical pain.

Not enough?

What if that one equal humanity was freed from physical work and needed only to think and play - liberated by a nano-technologically and quantum computerized robotic work-force, not requiring human labour to produce our day-to-day needs - leaving us to do science, to explore our universe and to live and love. And most importantly where harming or murdering a fellow human would not even cross the mind of a human.

That is the world I dream of. In my minds-eye I've pictured that beautiful world, where there is no war, no starvation, and no crime. Where we all get along and work together to progress our species. It's that which moved me to write my first novel - 'Infinity 48' - it holds all the secretes and new thinking that could give us such a world.

Utopia can be defined as; a dreamland, bliss, or a paradise; to mention a few. I found to my disappointment, that people scoff at the possibility of a Utopia for humans. That's SAD!

It's time to lift our expectations, visualise the possibilities and put a progressive plan into action. It will be up to us to make a start! Politicians only think along party lines - a year or two ahead of their next election. Countries, Religions, and Races only think about what's best for their group first; as has been the way of our ancestors and primitives before them - and that is the problem. If we humans were to think about humans as one single united group - as the only grouping that matters; we will have a chance at Utopia.

For me 'a human is a human is a human' That's it! I absolutely believe that if we are to progress and evolve into the remarkable humans I know we can be, the first steps are for us all to be on the same page. If we all believe in each other, and as ONE, we'll need nothing else.

Some of the solutions and some of the medical and scientific breakthroughs I envisage and write about in 'Infinity 48' happening, seem only possible way in the future and no help to us today. I say that what we discover and how soon we discover it will depend largely on how soon we all come together as humans first and only.

Consider if you will, that perfect world in your minds-eye and work back from there - it's not nearly as scary or seemingly impossible that way. You might also be surprised at how many solutions you'll come up with. Let me know.

To read pages of 'Infinity 48' please go to: http://books.google.co.uk/books?printsec+frontcover&id=Nz_d2VHhWpMC
To purchase a copy at a discount please go to: http://www.infinity48.com/

I look forward to reading your comments.
Bye for now, and good thinking.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More FACT than FICTION - Global Warming.

Welcome to More Fact than Fiction by K.E.Perrott author of 'Infinity 48'

Global Warming - Fact or Fiction?
It's a hot topic at the moment in Australian Politics. I had a spirited conversation this morning about the carbon market. I'm interested to know what you think about climate change and the carbon tax.

I take the big picture view of us and our planet; which means taking all the scientific data we've collected looking back over billions of years, today and recent times, and billions of years into the future. As to climate change the evidence tells me that what we are experiencing presently is cyclical natural phenomena. But it matters not what any of us think when we look at the big picture. Our planet will go through major climate changes, it always has and it always will, but it doesn't happen over night. It happens over large periods of time. We're smart, we'll adapt and learn as we go. What we learn will prepare us for the future when we leave our planet and venture out into our universe.

Earth will undoubtedly go through ice ages and sweltering extremes in the future, but failing the earth being knocked of it's axis or obliterated by a comet, the worst that our planet can throw at us will be nothing compared to what's in store for us in our universe; and make no mistake we will have to leave our planet eventually. Luckily for us we do have a bit of time to get our act together, a billion years or so. According to our best science our sun will implode in a billion years or more and take out the earth and our solar system.

I think universe, not just planet earth when I'm considering the future. I understand that we also need to think immediate, but we can do two things at once. It's actually more efficient and practical to do so. It's a pity at the present world governments don't!

Today's global warming theory assumes man is the culprit. The same thinking then applies a global carbon emissions trading scheme will solve the problem. It solves some people's problem, it makes them very wealthy but it does nothing about emissions. They're still emitted.

It seems to me to be a fabulous magic trick. First out of thin air convince enough people that global warming is man made and an imminent danger! then guilt us into paying for emissions. It's lucrative for some but an expensive exercise in futility for most. We'd be better putting money directly into new energy technologies.

Truth be known, I'm less concerned about how we motivate business and individuals into new energy technology, as I am about getting us there. Perhaps scaring people with climate change is one way, and so long as the money from any mechanism of that scheme went into research and development of new powerful, renewable energies: the end would justify the means.

That brings me to the upcoming meeting in December in Copenhagen, where parties to the Kyoto Protocol will discuss amendments to the Climate Change Scheme. Let's use that opportunity to make a major reform in how we work together, even if it's for only this one thing - New Energy Technology.

By that I mean let's have every country in the world represented, and working together as one, for the betterment of all humans equally - energy wise at least.

Bring the worlds best scientists, technology people and thinkers together, and give them everything they'll need to bring us out of the energy dark ages!

A 'Global New Energies Technologies Programme' (GNETP) with a long term brief of at least 100 - 500 years could replace the Carbon Emissions Trading mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol it could also amalgamate the Clean Development mechanism of the Protocol.

If every cent raised from a reworked carbon tax went to the GNETP, I for one wouldn't mind paying the extra costs that we all incur now under the existing scheme and likely will be even more in the future; if it was going to real progress. Progress for me means saving human lives, and making lives healthier, safer and happy - and new safe renewable inexpensive energy would do that.

The future I write about in 'Infinity 48' could be closer than you think, if we humans could just get on the same page.
To read pages of my novel 'Infinity 48' please click on: http://books.google.co.uk/books?printsec+frontcover&id=Nz_d2VHhWpMC
To purchase a copy at a discount please go to: http://www.infinity48.com/
You might also like to visit the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change for more information on the lead up to and the convention in Copenhagen: http://unfccc.int/kyoto_ptotocol/items/2830.php

Bye for now, and good thinking.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

More FACT than FICTION - No Pain!

Welcome to More FACT than FICTION, by K.E.Perrott author of 'Infinity48'.

I am a humanist and a dog lover. My best friend is a dog. So when I saw this story, which is good news for both humans and dogs, it made me happy, I hope it will give you something to smile about as well.

Once again Australians are proving their worth as medical and scientific world leaders. Using stem cell treatment a vet cured arthritis in a dog - an elderly three legged dog no less. Equal success to the delight of an Australian man was achieved using a similar stem cell procedure on his knee - how cool is that.

I saw this good news story on channel ten news Australia. It gives hope to the millions who experience the pain and debilitation of arthritis. One can imagine how many other debilitating and painful conditions stem cell treatments will eliminate - and soon.

Please see the ten news video link posted below on the 24 July 2009.

In my novel 'Infinity 48' I wrote about the future humans could expect, and PAIN FREE is a major part of that excellent future LIFE!
To read pages of 'Infinity 48' please go to:

To purchase your copy of 'Infinity 48' at a discount please go to: http://www.infinity48.com/

Bye for now, and good thinking.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

More FACT than FICTION - One Small Step!

Welcome to More FACT than FICTION, by K.E.Perrott author of 'Infinity 48'

The 40th anniversary celebration of man's first landing and walking on the moon this 21st July 2009 was both a joy to recall for the wondrous possibilities and a disappointment - because in that 40 years we haven't gone back to the moon nor have we gone further.

The future for humanity; as I make perfectly clear in my novel 'Infinity 48', is as universal explorers, not as an earth-bound species - for we will surely perish.

There are not many things that bring tears to my eyes. The moon landing is one that does. There is nothing I can do to stop the salty fluid from streaming down my face when I first think about man walking on the moon. It's the hope about a better future for humanity that sparks my memories and starts the flood of joy. It's not long though before that initial feeling of joyous possibility is snatched by today's disappointment, and my tears are turned.

That aside, I enjoyed as I'm sure you did, the anniversary programmes - watching the moon landing over and over. The interviews with some of the astronauts from the moon walks and with many other astronauts, including some of those in active service today.

It was exciting and informative listening to some of the astronauts who fly to and from the space station today. The work they do while they are on the space station and the experiments and research carried out by those who live on the space station is invaluable. It surprises me when some voters and tax payers voice their objection to money being spent on space exploration. How selfish and uninformed these people are. Selfish because they aren't thinking about their children, children's children and on into the future - they're thinking only about themselves and their immediate needs. And uninformed, because the stats show a minute amount of most countries budgets are directed to space exploration.

What has been spent, especially that for the space station has more than returned itself. The medical, scientific and technological advancements achieved, because of investment $dollars in space exploration - like the space station, shuttle programme, Hubble, and all the other fact finding craft, satellites and the list could go on... have more than paid their own way - but much more is needed and unless we put something in we can't get anything back!

Society today in the main, it seems to me, is bogged down in everything unimportant and obsessed with it. If they aren't celebrity worshipping, then they are following some callous so called reality programme. I don't get it! Why watch other people being abused, and waiting for people to fall on their faces and make fools of themselves, or worse... It's awful!

If we put the same money and energy into... The world's astronauts, scientists, researches, and thinkers, and the young new thinkers in our classrooms today, to the men and woman who are knee deep in projects as we speak, it's these people we should be supporting and following and twittering about. These people need and deserve our help and accolades, lets cheer THEM on.

Bye for now, and good thinking.

If you would like to read pages of my novel 'Infinity 48' please click on:
To purchase 'Infinity 48' please go to: http://www.infinity48.com/

Saturday, July 18, 2009

More FACT than FICTION - Brain Chip

Welcome to More FACT than FICTION, by K.E.Perrott author of 'Infinity 48'.

As always, this past week was full of exceptional news about progress in research and development on a number of fronts in science and technology. (Thank the universe for our scientists, thinkers and researchers.)

Two reports in particular I'd like to mention, for all you time-poor hard working people; to help you keep up to date.

Pittsburgh University and Brown University are both working with similar devices; a brain chip which interprets thought. In the case of the experiment at Pittsburgh University in the U.S. it enabled a monkey to move a robotic arm by thought. The hopes are that one day, soon, this device will help to move arms, legs, hands and the fingers of stroke patients, spinal chord injured, or nervous system diseased patients and have them up and walking around, grasping objects precisely and thus functioning normally.

Brown University in New England, are testing a similar device that allows a patient to move a cursor by thinking about moving their paralysed hand. Brilliant!

I wrote about exactly these types of experiments and expanded on them in my novel 'Infinity 48'. You might like to read some of the pages of 'Infinity 48' at http://books.google.co.uk/books?printsec+frontcover&id=Nz_d2VHhWpMC

The other cool happening last week was the space shuttle Endeavour blasting off safely, ferrying seven astronauts to the space station. They'll be away for sixteen days and while they are 220 miles above the earth they will deliver and help install an external experiments platform, the last piece of Japan's research laboratory.

This Sky news report reminded us that the space station was a multi nation project of some sixteen nations and over many years.

As we know, this week is the 40th anniversary of man landing and walking on the moon. Thinking about that massive success and the success of the space station together, shows us, proves to us that we humans are capable of great achievements when we work together. It's what I write about, it's what I believe is the only way forward for humans - to work together as one humanity or we'll go extinct just like the dinosaurs.

Please enjoy reading 'Infinity 48' by K.E.Perrott. http://www.infinity48.com/

Checkout the following websites - check-it-outers.
You could visit the universities and look around online, checkout their research facilities.

You might also like to visit: http://www.nasa.gov/

If you are logged into Facebook - search K.E.Perrott and become a fan of 'Infinity 48'. I look forward to seeing you there.

Please also see the sky new story about the Brain Chip posted below.

Until next time, good thinking!